1) Sales Entry

Checkout With A Customer

In The Uniform Solution if you want to maintain customer sales history you can add a customer to any purchase transaction. This training video demonstrates how to add a customer to a sale using the scan quantity field.

Fast Entry Options

The scan quantity field found on the invoice entry form is both powerful and flexible. This field will allow you to enter new items into the transaction, update items already on the transaction, and locate a customer. Understanding and how to effectively utilize this field will greatly improve your experience in The Uniform Solution. In this training video you will go through the many situations and functions of the scan quantity field.

Invoice Types

In The Uniform Solution when creating a new sales entry, you are placed in the scan quantity field. This is determined by the “Type” field on the sales entry screen. This training video shows how to change an invoice type and what each different invoice type is meant for.

Item Lookup

In The Uniform Solution while on the sales entry screen items can manually be added to a transaction. This training video shows how to use the F7 lookup button and the process to add an item in the sales transaction.

Sales Entry Edit Options

While using the sales entry screen in The Uniform Solution you can navigate and edit sales entry options easily. This training video shows how to utilize the many shortcuts and edit options available to you on the sales entry screen.

Standard Checkout

To complete a sale in the Uniform Solution you will need to create a new sales entry. In this training video you will go through the process of completing a sale, and how to use different useful functions on the sales entry screen.

Taking Multiple Payments

In The Uniform Solution taking multiple payments during a sales entry transaction is very simple. This training video demonstrates how to accept multiple forms of payment for a single transaction.

2) Using the Sales List

Changing, Voiding, and Deleting an Invoice

The Sales List contains a listing of all invoices created in The Uniform Solution. In the Sales List invoices can be added, edited, deleted, voided, and copied. This training video demonstrates how you can manipulate invoices to fit your needs.

Sales List Overview

The Sales List contains a listing of all invoices created in The Uniform Solution. The Sales List has 7 tabs and each tab list a particular type of invoice created in the program. This training video gives an overview of what the Sales List entails and its uses.

3) Special Orders

Accessing Special Orders

In The Uniform Solution all special orders can be assessed by selecting the “Orders” button. This training video shows you how you can view and assess our open or completed special orders easily in the program.

Adding Special Order Items To A Sale

If a customer is making a regular purchase and they wish to special order items as well, you can do this at the same time in The Uniform Solution. This training video demonstrates how to add a special order to a regular sales transaction.

Creating a Special Order From POS

In the Uniform Solution special orders can be created at the point of sale so that all items added to the transaction are automatically set as a special order item. This training video demonstrates how to create an all-inclusive special order.

Delivering Items

Whenever merchandise has been received from a special order or is pulled from stock for a special order, you will need to deliver the special order items to the customer. In The Uniform Solution delivering items will update your stock and mark the transaction as completed. This training video goes through the process of how to complete a delivery of special order items in the program.

Modifying and Adjusting a Special Order

In The Uniform Solution special orders are not an actual sale, they are a request for items to be sold at a later date. This training video shows you how to modify and adjust the status of items on your special orders.

Order Entry Special Orders

In The Uniform Solution special orders can be entered as a normal customer order operation. This training video shows you how to set special orders as your default for a new invoice.

Special Order Options

Special orders contain options that are only available for special order invoices In The Uniform Solution. This training video demonstrates how to use the many different options available to you when creating a special order invoice.

Special Order Overview

In The Uniform Solution special orders are a type of invoice that is a request for items to be delivered at a future date or time. This training video gives an overview on what is a special order, ad how to create one.

4) Layaways

Creating a Layaway

When you create a layaway in The Uniform Solution, any item you list on the invoice will be pulled from stock and set aside in the “on hold” category. This training video gives an overview on what a layaway is and how to complete a layaway transaction.

Delivering Layaways

In The Uniform Solution you will need to deliver layaway items to a customer when they have fully paid the balance necessary. This training video demonstrates how to complete a delivery for a layaway transaction.

Layaway Overview

When you create a layaway in The Uniform Solution, any item you list on the invoice will be pulled from stock and set aside in the “on hold” category. This training video gives an overview on what a layaway is and how to complete a layaway transaction.

Modifying Layaways

In The Uniform Solution layaways can be modified from the sales list. This training video shows how you can modify any information on the layaway and gives an example on changing a layaway.

Open Layaway Report

In The Uniform Solution whenever you take a layaway for a customer it is expected they are making payments in a timely fashion. This training video shows you how to access a report on any and all layaways you have.

Taking a Payment

In The Uniform Solution any layaways that contain a balance can take an additional payment. This training video demonstrates how you can take any additional payment to add towards a completed transaction on layaway.

5) Gift Certificates

Creating a Gift Certificate

Creating a gift certificate in The Uniform Solution is easy. This training video gives a short tutorial on how you can create a gift certificate in the program, and view reports related to creating certificates.

Gift Certificate Overview

You can create refund and redeem gift certificates in The Uniform Solution. This training video gives a short overview on how gift certificates work in the program and how to use them.

Redeeming a Gift Certificate

In The Uniform Solution any gift certificate can be redeemed during a sales entry transaction as a payment method. This training video demonstrates how let a customer redeem a gift certificate as their payment method.

Refunding a Gift Certificate

In The Uniform Solution you are able to refund a gift certificate purchase to a customer, just like any other payment method. This training video shows how you can easily refund any purchase made with a gift certificate.

6) Quotes

Quote Overview

In The Uniform Solution quotes can be created like any other invoice type. Quotes are a list of items for a customer to consider purchasing or ordering in the future. This training video show you how to create a quote and how quotes can be manipulated in the program.

7) Purchase Orders

Allocating Special Orders

If you are entering special orders for a customer special orders that are required to be placed in purchase orders can be quickly reviewed in The Uniform Solution. This training video demonstrates how to allocate special orders to a purchase order.

Purchase Order Entry

In The Uniform Solution you may want to create a purchase order without the auto create feature. This training video shows how to create a customizable purchase order with whatever specifications you desire.

Purchase Order Entry Edit Menu

In The Uniform Solution you may want to create a purchase order without the auto create feature. This training video shows how to create a customizable purchase order with whatever specifications you desire.

Purchase Order Overview

Whenever you need to order merchandise from a vendor you will need to create a purchase order in The Uniform Solution. This training video gives an overview of what a purchase order is and how to utilize them in the program.

Using Auto-Create

Automatically creating purchase orders is a powerful feature that is available to you in The Uniform Solution. This training video demonstrates how you can setup and customize automated purchase orders.

8) Receiving Merchandise

Receiving List

The purchase order receipts that you create in The Uniform Solution are created and managed from the receiving list table. This training video gives a brief overview on what the receiving list does and how to use it.

9) Payments

Applying Credits

In The Uniform Solution whenever a customer on account makes a return, a credit invoice will be created. This training video demonstrates how to use setup credits to be used as a payment method.

Payments List

A listing of all payments taken in The Uniform Solution can be accessed through the payments by date list. This training video how to view and manipulate payments in the payment list.

Taking a Payment

In The Uniform Solution any layaways that contain a balance can take an additional payment. This training video demonstrates how you can take any additional payment to add towards a completed transaction on layaway.

10) Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable List

Whenever you receive merchandise from a vendor and create a purchase order receipt The Uniform Solution automatically sets the receipt as a payable that will be due to the vendor. This training video gives a detailed look at the Accounts Payable List and its many functions.

Accounts Payable Overview

Whenever you receive merchandise from a vendor and create a purchase order receipt The Uniform Solution automatically sets the receipt as a payable that will be due to the vendor. This training video gives a quick overview on what the Accounts Payable List is and how it works.

Updating Payables

In The Uniform Solution to keep track of purchase order receipts that you have paid you should set them to a “paid” status when you paid them. This training video shows how you can easily mark purchase order receipts as paid.