1) Program Standards

Adjusting Cost & Retail Prices

In The Uniform Solution both cost and retail prices can be adjusted easily. This training video gives a comprehensive demonstration of how to adjust prices within the application.

Audio Confirmation Sounds

Audio confirmation sounds are used throughout the Uniform Solution to provide audio feedback of important actions or events. This video shows how sounds are used in the program and how to disable them.

Keyboard Navigation

Your keyboard in The Uniform Solution makes use of both function keys and hot keys. This training video demonstrates how to use the different functions of your keyboard in the application.

Mouse Navigation and the Toolbar

In The Uniform Solutions the mouse can be used to navigate and select options and perform activities. In this training video you will go through many of the functions that can be utilized with the mouse in The Uniform Solution.

Tool Tip Help

Tool Tip Help in The Uniform Solution is a quick way to get a short description or detailed explanation of a control, prompt, or field. This training video displays how this feature can be used.

Using the Enter Key Instead of Tab

In The Uniform Solution using the tab key is the default command that will navigate you to the next field in a form. This training video demonstrates this action and shows you how to tie this action to the enter key instead.

2) Standard Screen Types

Standard Screen Types- Forms

Forms in the Uniform Solution are used to create, or update a record, or a group of records. This training video shows you what you need to know to understand how to use forms in the application.

Standard Screen Types- Lists

Lists in The Uniform Solution are simply a listing of related records. Understanding how to navigate lists is important to get the most out of the application. This training video shows you the many different important features you will encounter.

3) Special Fields

List Hot Keys

Hot keys are a great way to save time while completing tasks in The Uniform Solution. This training video shows you all the different hot keys that can be employed to navigate lists in the application.

Locator Fields

Locator fields in The Uniform Solution are designed to help you locate the information you are looking for quickly. In this video we give you a demonstration how to use a locator field.

Scan/Qty Field

The scan quantity field found on the invoice entry form is both powerful and flexible. This field will allow you to enter new items into the transaction, update items already on the transaction, and locate a customer. Understanding and how to effectively utilize this field will greatly improve your experience in The Uniform Solution. In this training video you will go through the many situations and functions of the scan quantity field.

4) Controls


Buttons are screen controls used throughout The Uniform Solution and perform different activities. This training video demonstrates how to use buttons as well as some of their many different uses.

Check Box

Check boxes are screen controls in The Uniform Solution that indicate whether an option is true or false. This training video demonstrates what using this control will look like in the application.

Date Field

Date fields are a specialized type of entry fields found throughout The Uniform Solution. This training video shows you how to enter information into these fields, and the many shortcuts that might be useful.

Drop Combo

Drop combos are entry fields made up of both the field and a drop list. This training video will show you how to use these fields when you encounter them in The Uniform Solution

Drop List

A drop list is a screen control with a limited set of options that you will encounter in The Uniform Solution. This training video shows you how you can use this control when you come across it in the application.

Edit Menu

The edit menu in The Uniform Solution only has available options when a window is open and selected. This training video shows you how you can utilize the edit menu.

Entry Field

Entry fields are the most common and simple type of control in The Uniform Solution. These fields can be manipulated to store information about a particular record. This training video shows you how you can use and update these fields.

Radio Button

Radio buttons are screen controls in The Uniform Solution that provide multiple options where only one option can be selected. This training video gives an example of how using this function will look for you.


Tabs are screen controls that organizes information in The Uniform Solution. This training video shows you how to use tabs and their different uses in the application.

5) System Setup

Alternate Sales Tax Rates

If your business sells to more than one taxable locality The Uniform Solution gives you the option to setup more than one tax rate. This training video will give you a tutorial on how to setup alternate sales tax rates depending on the criteria you determine.

Payment Methods

The Uniform Solution comes with many predefined payment methods that will be suitable for most businesses, but TUS still gives you the option to create your own payment method. This training video shows you the process of how to edit an existing payment method or how to create your own.

Shipping Options

In The Uniform Solution you have the ability to enter a shipping charge in a sales entry transaction, a shipping option can be added, changed, or deleted. This training video demonstrates how you can add and manipulate the shipping options of your choice.

Store Options

The SQL versions of The Uniform Solution enable multiple stores to be defined within a program. This allows you to have different settings custom to each different store. This training video goes through the step by step process of adding a new store and configuring its settings.

System Options

In the Uniform Solution you can configure settings that apply to all stores and computers using System Options in the setup tab. This training video goes through all the different options in the System Options and how to configure them to your preferences.

System Setup Overview

System setup tutorials go over how to configure The Uniform Solution to work with the hardware connected to your computer. This training video will show you where to access these tutorials which will go through a step by step process to get your hardware properly configured.

The Generic Print Driver

Before printers can be set up in The Uniform Solution, the printers must be properly defined in the Windows control panel. This training video goes through a step by step process to check if your printer is configured correctly, and how to install the necessary drivers if needed.


When performing various tasks in The Uniform Solution the user that performs the action will be recorded. This training video gives a tutorial on how to add change or delete users from the application.

Your Computer

Each computer that runs The Uniform Solution can have hardware and settings specific to their function in your store. This training video goes through the process of how to configure the settings you desire that fit the computers purpose.

Your Printers

In The Uniform Solution you can configure your printers to your desired settings. This training video demonstrates how you can configure each of you available printers to your preferences.