1) WebStore

Course Introduction

In The Uniform Solution you can have several different configurations of the WebStore. This training video gives an introduction into the WebStore settings and how to navigate them.

2) Settings


In The Uniform Solution there are options to allow account linking, billing options, and third party billing on your webstore. The billing options are setup on the customer level in the program and should be configured prior to adding those options to your WebStore. This training video demonstrates how you can configure your customer options for your WebStore.


In The Uniform Solution you can configure the different types of auto responses that will be sent by the WebStore to your customers. This training video demonstrates how to configure your email WebStore settings.

Search Engine

In The Uniform Solution you can configure search engine settings for your WebStore. This training video explains how to modify your search engine settings to fully utilize search engine optimization.

3) Design And Selections

Departments and Vendors

In The Uniform Solution you can personalize the design and selections of your WebStore. This training video demonstrates how to add vendors and departments to your WebStore.


In The Uniform Solution you can personalize the design and selections of your WebStore. This training video demonstrates how to edit and customize the graphics settings for your WebStore.


In The Uniform Solution you can personalize the design and selections of your WebStore. This training video demonstrates how to create menu items to link to content pages that have been created for your WebStore.

4) Shopping Cart

Shipping and Payment Options

In The Uniform Solution you can manage the settings of the shopping cart for your WebStore. This training video explains how to configure the settings for your WebStore shipping and payment options.